1st Friday of the month: Mass of the Sacred Heart followed by the Adoration

In Catholic churches and homes, one of the most popular images of Jesus is the image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. It is the image of God’s love revealed in the pierced heart of His Son. It is the symbol of a love that conquers sin and transcends death, the symbol of the One who loved us to the end.

Love has always been associated with the heart, so it was only natural that the love of God became represented by a heart, the heart of his Son Jesus. In him, God the Father revealed his infinite love for us.

Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is profoundly Eucharistic. It finds its summit at Mass where we lift up our hearts to the Lord. We unite our hearts with the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the offering of the Eucharistic Sacrifice. At Mass, we are nourished at the Paschal banquet of our Redeemer’s Body and Blood. The Eucharist is the sacrament of charity. It is a school of love where we are educated by Jesus.

February 4 – Mass of the Sacred Heart followed by Adoration
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