“Train the young in the way they should go; even when old, they will not swerve from it.”

Proverbs 22:6

It is important that ALL children attend catechism classes; not just those who are preparing for sacraments.

For each person who comes into the Catholic Church six people leave.  Most leave before they are 23 years old.  They say they leave because they did not get their questions answered.  They say they leave because they don’t have a clear picture of who God is.  We need to do our part to help build their faith.  It takes a village.  We need to get them to Mass. Get them to their faith formation classes EVERY YEAR and not just for sacrament classes.  Answer their questions.  Attend Mass as a family.  Research shows that when the father also attends, their children are 80% more likely to continue attending Mass as adults.

Mass is the source and summit of our faith.  It is a celebration of the sacrifice Christ made of his life for our salvation.  He invites us to physically join with him through the Eucharist at each and every Mass.  Through our Faith Formation classes we can help our children come to learn and truly value their Catholic faith including the importance of attending Mass on a regular basis.

CCD Registration 23-24

updated calendar as of April 1, 2023

[Letter from Fr Henry regarding the importance of Mass attendance for all.]

Below you will find a list of our Faith Formation classes, their prerequisites, and mastery guidelines.

  • First Holy Communion Year I
    • 80% Mass attendance
    • 80% class attendance
    • Memorize Prayer:  The Sign of the Cross
    • Memorize Prayer:  The Our Father
    • Completion of class assignments
  • First Holy Communion Year II
    • PREREQUISITE: Successful completion of First Holy communion Year I
    • Must achieve 75% mastery on the First Holy Communion Year II exit test
    • 80% Mass attendance
    • 80% class attendance
    • Go to confession (reconciliation) for the first time
    • Memorize Prayer: The Hail Mary
    • Memorize Prayer: The Glory Be
    • Completion of class assignments
  • Grade 3rd/4th combo
    • Attend Mass and class on a regular basis
    • Go to confession (reconciliation) during Lent [minimum]
    • Completion of class assignments
  • Grade 5th/6th combo
    • Attend Mass and class on a regular basis
    • Go to confession (reconciliation) during Lent [minimum]
    • Completion of class assignments
  • Grade 7th/8th combo
    • Attend Mass and class on a regular basis
    • Go to confession (reconciliation) during Lent [minimum]
    • Completion of class assignments
  • Confirmation Year I
    • Confirmation Year I is usually completed as a 9th grader
    • Go to confession (reconciliation) during Lent [minimum]
    • Must achieve at least 75% mastery of the Confirmation Final Test in order to move on to Confirmation Year II.
    • Must complete 15 service hours for the church and/or the community during this year
    • 80% Mass Attendance
    • 80% class attendance
    • Completion of class assignments
  • Confirmation Year II
    • PREREQUISITE: Successful completion of Confirmation Year I
    • Confirmation Year II is usually completed as a 10th grader
    • Go to confession (reconciliation) during Lent [minimum]
    • Must achieve at least 85% mastery of the Confirmation Final Test as one of the requirements for making the Confirmation Sacrament.
    • Must complete an additional 15 service for the church and/or the community during this year
    • 80% Mass Attendance
    • 80% class attendance
    • completion of class assignments